Founded and Organized in honor of PROFESSOR REMY A. PRESAS, in July 21, 2006 during the 3rd Filipino Martial Arts World Festival and 1st Professor Remy A. Presas Memorial Modern Arnis Camp in July 11-21, 2006 in Manila and Tagaytay City Philippines. The basic purpose is to establish an umbrella organization of Modern Arnis associations or groups worldwide. The 1st organization meeting was held at the Tagaytay International Convention Center, attended by the following as ORIGINAL CONVENORS and representatives of organizations:
Rene Tongson
Senior Master Bambit Dulay
Senior Guro Ginalyn Relos
Senior Guro Edessa Ramos
Master of Tapi-Tapi Brian Zawilinski
Senior Master Dan Anderson
Senior Master Bram Frank
Senior Master and Datu Dieter Knuettel
Philipp Wolf
Alexander Pisarkin |
IMAFP, Philippines
IMAFP, Philippines
IMAFP, Philippines
IMAFP, Switzerland
Modern Arnis 80, USA
DAV, Germany
DAV, Germany
RAF, Russia |

Meeting of the formation of the WBMA
Now the WFMA
Foremost is the principle of AUTONOMY for all member organizations, in a manner where there shall be no interference in the internal affairs of members. The co-equal doctrine - no organization is above the other is likewise a rule. In consensus, WORLDWIDE FAMILY of MODERN ARNIS or WFMA will be the official name. This is to establish for the world to recognize that we have an organization of people who come from the same lineage. The word family signifies everyone's recognition for others as belonging to the "MODERN ARNIS FAMILY", all in the common pursuit for the preservation and advancement of the LEGACY OF PROFESSOR REMY A. PRESAS, as we all say... THE FLOW MUST CONTINUE. |