Senior Master Samuel Bambit Dulay

Senior Master Samuel Bambit Dulay started training in Filipino Martial Arts in Dumog and Judo in 1968-69 under Roming Yanson and the Lisondra Brothers (both students of Grandmaster Remy Presas) at the Univerisity of Negros Occidental and West Negros College. He learned the Baston (basic Arnis) in 1972 while studying karate jujitsu under Romy Lisondra. For the first time in 1974, he witnessed a bladed weapon demonstration between Master Roberto Presas and Master Cris Vasquez, which inspired him to seek an Arnis Instructor.
Lineage of teachers and styles:
- 1975, Old Maestro Juan Lawaan (age of 72) who also served as his inspiration: Decuerdas Lapu-Lapu style
- Grandmaster Vasquez: Tapado style blackbelt
- Grandmaster Robeto Presas: Tabak Tuyok Arnis style and Free Style Modern Arnis
- Grandmaster Cristino Vasquez: Ipit Pilipit style
- Grandmaster Rene Tongson: Tres Puntas style
- Grandmaster Ernesto Presas: IPMAF Mano-Mano and Classical Arnis
- Grandmaster Remy Presas: Dumog, Mano-Mano, Classical Arnis (Abaniko, Palis-Palis, Close Quarter of Balintawak and Ifugao, Crusada), Dumog/Mano-Mano, and the Tapi-tapi "the way of the flow" concept.
- Maestro Juan Lawaan: Lapu-Lapu Decuerdas style, no belt system
Current rank:
- 7th degree blackbelt from the Masters of the Council of Modern Arnis Clan (2002, MAKABAGONG ARNIS NG PILIPINAS or MAP)
- 6th degree blackbelt under Prof. Remy Presas (2000, International Modern Arnis Federation)
Other ranks held:
- 2nd Degree Nat'l Judo, Karate, Jujitsu Arnis Ass'n. (NAJUKA-JUA)BRANCH OF NAKO
- 5th degree from IPMAF Ernesto Presas 1989.
Black Belt from Mike Vasquez Tapado Dequerdas 1978
Major International Seminars:
The 2nd Filipino Martial Arts Festival in Dortmund Germany in 2004
Modern Arnis Seminars in Dortmund, Essen and Kassel, Germany in 2004
Exhibition choreography: the South East Asian Games 2003, the 8th Asean Kyokushin kai Tournament, and the 9th ASEAN Wrestling Championship.
Current affiliation:
External Vice President and Chairman of the Committe on Membership and Affiliation, International Modern Arnis Federation Philippines (IMAFP). |